
Sigi Grabner



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It was a great race today in Moscow! I was 2nd after the qualifications, only Fisch being a little faster than me:) The course was great – very cool setting by the Russian coach Denis Tichomirov – speedy carving style – and as you know, I like this a lot. First I eliminated SG PRO TEAM rider Vic Wild from USA, next I had to edge out Aaron March from Italy,. In the Quarterfinals I gave the lead away against Roc Marguc from Slovenia in the re-run. So I had to race in the Small Final against Simon Schoch from Switzerland. Again it was in the re-run, after leading by 0,2 sec. I made a mistake which cost me the win and the podium. This means but 4th, but I am approaching the podium and I am coming! 

Race + City View by Sigi

Congratulations to Fisch (Roland Fischnaller from Italy) who was the man of this PSL today and took the victory against Roc Marguc. See you  at the PGS in Valmalenco, ITA, on 19 March next time, new chance!

Cheers! Sigi